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di Filosofia XXIII/2003/1
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Tema del fascicolo: "Pensare in circolo"
saggi | |||
Premessa |
Il presente fascicolo, nella parte dei "Saggi", raccoglie i risultati di una giornata di studio tenutasi a Pisa il 9 settembre 2002 sul tema "Pensare in circolo". I testi pubblicati, la cui elaborazione rientra nel programma di ricerca ex 40% dal titolo "Aporie dellermeneutica", sono il frutto non solo di una sintonia teorica di fondo, ma soprattutto di un percorso di ricerca comune da parte dei relatori. Ciò consente di leggere questi contributi come un tutto unico, al di là della specificità dei loro argomenti e della diversa impostazione che li contraddistingue. A.F. |
Vittorio Sainati |
Oltre il dictum del testo As well as the dictum the text contains, there is also that which interpretation manages to discover. This explicates the unsaid that always lies within and behind the said. In this way a new mode of being can unfold in the world
Leonardo Samonà |
Il circolo della filosofia tra ermeneutica e dialettica In philosophical terms, the figure of the circle may assume either a negative connotation, being equated with logical error, or it may assume a positive connotation as a symbol of perfection. However, even in the latter instance the circle represents the imperfection of the image compared to the true entity, identical and simple, or the imperfection of continual motion which participates defectively of eternity. Through reference to Hegel, Heidegger, Gadamer and Levinas, this paper will demonstrate how this hierarchical order has entered a crisis in Modern thought. It will also show how the link between the circle of thought and scepticism may be broken by attempting to give a positive valency to circularity.
Francesco Camera |
La necessità del circolo come possibilità del pensiero The intention of this paper is to put forward a theoretical reflection on the figure of the hermeneutic circle and demonstrate that, rather than an obstacle to sense, it represents a productive opportunity for interpreting thought that aspires to open up to otherness and transcendency. In order to support this thesis, a brief history of the figure of the circle is outlined, and this is followed by a discussion of its ontological transformation as set out in Heideggers existential hermeneutics.
Maurizio Mottolese |
Sulla costituzione ermeneutica del pensiero rabbinico The premise of this paper is that Rabbinic thought can be defined as text-centred and hermeneutic, since the Scriptures represent here the horizon and medium of thought. However, such an assumption can be explored more thoroughly by bearing in mind the distinction between the written Torah and the oral Torah. Furthermore, one has to cope with two (apparently) conflicting perspectives: on the one hand, the Bible appears as the fixed centre of any religious thought and experience; on the other, the interpretative power seems often to lead much beyond the Biblical frame. The concept of the text as a growing, inclusive, and absorbing space allows this dichotomy to be overcome.
Manuela Paschi |
Finalità e sistema: spunti di ermeneutica kantiana (dal costruttivismo dellOpus postumum alla psicologia evoluzionistica) The intention is to compare the hermeneutic valency of Kantian philosophy, taking into consideration above all investigations into the Opus Postumum, with the psychological and evolutionary developments in Diltheyan hermeneutics. |
Adriano Fabris |
Pensare il circolo This paper examines the various models of circularity of thought (Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Heidegger) and discusses in particular the hermeneutic circle and the various aporiai it gives rise to. This leads to an analysis of the conditions that enable thought to avoid relapsing into the various forms of circularity.
Flavia Monceri |
Logica "binaria" e spazio vitale: su alcune aporie del "pensare in circolo" In this paper I shall attempt to demonstrate how, in that part of Western thought which has succeeded in becoming pre-eminent, circularity of thought has gradually transformed into thinking about circularity. This indeed is what establishes the fracture between the subject and the object, between man and his vital context. After a general outline of this process, I shall attempt to provide some indications as to how the aporiai of binary logic may be ovecome, drawing on an intercultural approach to philosophical reflection.
Antonia Pellegrino |
Il nulla e lattesa. Note sulla chiusura della metafisica in Martin Heidegger While in Being and Time the circularity of understanding is considered by Heidegger as an existential structure, from the Thirties onwards, he increasingly refers to the circle as a limiting closure which can only be overcome through another beginning of thought. Thus it is that the hermeneutic circle leads to the circularity of metaphysics. This paper presents a possible explanation for this theoretical change, taking as its basis both the recognition of an unceasing foundational need in Heidegger, and his personal reading of Nietzsche.
Guido Bruni |
Il circolo e la morte. Note sul "comprendere" in Heidegger In Being and Time, Heidegger maintains, in contrast with Husserl, that every act of understanding throws us back on non-theoretical pre-suppositions, and therefore also on our original familiarity with the world. Then, however, he identifies the authentic relationship with death as an emancipation from this familiarity; in this way he runs the risk of reproposing in an existential mode precisely this Husserlian myth of philosophy as free from all pre-suppositions. |
rassegne e discussioni | |||
Francesco Berto |
La logica e il nulla | ||
Anna Maria Lossi |
La dialettica nella filosofia nietzscheana: schiavitù e liberazione | ||