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Trovati n. 4 Libri

Syrian Archaeology in Perspective Celebrating 20 Years of Excavations at Tell Afis.
Proceedings of the International Meeting Percorsi di Archeologia Siriana Pisa, 27-28 Novembre 2006

Autore:  Aa.Vv.
A cura di  Stefania Mazzoni, Sebastiano Soldi

Collana:  Ricerche di archeologia del Vicino Oriente (4)

This volume celebrates 20 years of excavations at Tell Afis in Syria and the related research activities conducted by the University of Pisa. It contains some of the papers presented at the International meeting held in Pisa in 2006. These contributions offer new analyses and data from some ...

Syrian and Phœnician Ivories
of the Early First Millennium BCE
Chronology, Regional Styles and Iconographic Repertories, Patterns of Inter-regional Distribution

Autore:  aa.vv.
A cura di  Serena Maria Cecchini, Stefania Mazzoni, Elena Scigliuzzo

Collana:  Ricerche di archeologia del Vicino Oriente (3)

Syro-Phoenician ivories constitute a most significant corpus of the artistic and archaeological documents of the 1st millennium Levant. They are consequently one of the traditional fields of research in the archaeology of the Near East, with many questions having long been the subject of ...

Tell Afis (Siria).Scavi dell'acropoli 1988-1992
The 1988-1992 Excavation on the Acropolis

Autore:  Serena Maria Cecchini, Stefania Mazzoni

Collana:  Ricerche di archeologia del Vicino Oriente (1)


The Italian Excavations of Tell Afis (Syria): from chiefdom to an Aramaean state
Autore:  Stefania Mazzoni

Collana:  Fuori collana (0)
