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Trovati n. 4 Libri

Managing Diversities in English Literature
Global and Local Imaginaries in Dialogue

Autore:  Aa.Vv.
A cura di  Biancamaria Rizzardi, Costanza Fusini, Viktoria Tchernichova

Collana:  diagosfera (9)

This volume collects the Proceedings of the ANDA Conference held at the University of Pisa in November 2012. The aim of the essays is not only to focus on various types of diversity – from social, racial, physical, mental, and sexual difference to the radical diversity characterizing human ...

Cultural Crossings
the Case Studies of Canada and Italy

Autore:  Aa.Vv.
A cura di  Biancamaria Rizzardi, Viktoria Tchernichova

Collana:  diagosfera (3)

The Proceedings of the international conference Cultural Crossings: the Case Studies of Canada and Italy initiate Diagosfera's section dedicated to literary criticism. The essays contained in the volume fit in the work programme delineated by the series, which aims to publish texts that ...

Postmoderno e Postcoloniale
Percorsi del senso in Byatt, Thomas, White e Rushdie

Autore:  Viktoria Tchernichova

Collana:  Percorsi (19)

La casuale scoperta di un manoscritto mette in moto una ricerca che altera certezze possedute. Un medico nazista finge di essere ebreo. Un uragano di sconvolgente e straordinaria intensità contiene al proprio centro un nucleo di estrema calma. Un violento terremoto distrugge la presunta totale ...

The Great Work of Making Real
Salman Rushdie’s The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Autore:  AA.VV
A cura di  Elsa Linguanti, Viktoria Tchernichova

Collana:  Percorsi (11)

The present collection of essays endeavours to chart a number of lines of enquiry suggested by the reading of a Rushdian text that works against monological rhetoric on the themes of death, love, art and outsideness. In the first part of the book the aspects highlighted by the authors of the ...