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Home Le Collane Analitica (3) 9788846726773
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First Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology

Autore/i: aa.vv.
A cura di: Carlo Marletti

Collana: Analitica (3)

Pagine: 190
Formato: cm.17x24
Anno: 2010
ISBN: 9788846726773

Stato: Disponibile

This volume is a collection of papers on different topics in various branches of philosophy in the analytical tradition. They tackle, with analytical style, widely different problems in logic (both mathematical and philosophical), epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of mathematics, ethics, linguistics and the cognitive sciences. The variety of topics and the lively exposition characterizing the essays are such that readers with widely different concerns can find something of interest here.

Carlo Marletti (La Spezia, 1949) has been teaching for many years Philosophy of Language at the Philosophy Department of the University of Pisa. He is the author of numerous papers, and co-author of a recently published handbook of logic (Argomenti di logica, Pisa 2010).