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Questioning Universalism

Western and New Confucian Conceptions

A cura di: Anna Loretoni , Jérôme Pauchard , Alberto Pirni

Collana: philosophica (122)

Pagine: 228
Formato: cm.14x22
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9788846737182

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

In what sense may the recognition of cultural diversity be an opportunity for a new interpretation of universalism? In what sense may the rethinking of universalism profit by building bridges between the conceptual universes related to the categories of West and East?
What is the meaning of terms such as “West”, “East”, “Universalism”, etc.? And, finally, what does the comparison between East and West teach us about the configuration of the public sphere, the meaning of secularism, and the sense of democratic institutions?
These questions were the focus of the international workshops “Western Conceptual Vocabulary and Intercultural Translation” and “Contemporary Social Sciences and Matteo Ricci’s Legacy” organized at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna - Pisa, from which this volume took its initial inspiration. Both events were aimed at addressing the “universalism-question” and the topic of “transcultural dialogue” from different points of view and within an interdisciplinary theoretical context of discussion.
The same topics are here analyzed by means of two case studies and through two theoretical lenses: the cultural role historically played by Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) and present day New Confucianism.

Anna Loretoni is Associate Professor of Political Philosophy at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa.
Jérôme Pauchard cooperates with the University Paris-Diderot VII, the University of Sichuan, and the Institut Ricci.
Alberto Pirni is Assistant Professor of Political Philosophy at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa.