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Home Le Collane Education (1) 9788846744340
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Lifelong learning devices for sustainable local development

The study circles experience in the crossborder area Italy-Slovenia

Autore/i: Aa.Vv.
A cura di: N. Bogataj , G. Del Gobbo

Collana: Education (1)

Pagine: 168
Formato: cm.15,5x22,5
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9788846744340

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

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This publication addresses the issue of overall pedagogical sustainability by identifying the Participatory Action Research approach as the reference methodology for managing study circles (Paolo Orefice), but also by relating the “methodological sustainability” to the participatory techniques, tools and methods for managing study circles, with special reference to the use of social games as a moment of methodological innovation in the cross-border study circles (Patricija Rejec). This publication also deals with educational sustainability by identifying the cross-border area as an opportunity, resource and added value in a cross-cultural development perspective (Mateja Pelikan), but also with the educational sustainability of a training tool that encourages and supports local innovative processes (Giovanna Del Gobbo).