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Home Le Collane Ofioliti (5) 9788846768650
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€ 35,00

Ofioliti, vol. 49 / n. 1-2024

Autore/i: AA.VV.

Collana: Ofioliti (5)

Pagine: 60
Formato: cm.21x29,7
Anno: 2024
ISBN: 9788846768650

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione


NIKOLAY BONEV, PETYO FILIPOV and ZORNITSA DOTSEVA Paleo- and Neotethyan marginal oceanic lithosphere remnants revealed in the high-grade basement of the eastern Rhodope Massif, Bulgaria: U-Pb zircon age constraints and geodynamic implications .......... 1
ZAHRA KAYHOMAYOON The impact of ophiolitic mélanges on the groundwater geochemistry of Naeen aquifer (Central Iran) ......... 19
AKIHIRO TAMURA, IKUYA NISHIO, YUYA IWATA, SHOJI ARAI and TOMOAKI MORISHITA Amphibole in ultra-depleted peridotites from the Horokanai ophiolite, Hokkaido, Japan: boninite melt trapped in the mantle wedge ................................................................................. 37