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Analisi e diritto, 1/2024

Autore/i: AA.VV.

Collana: Analisi e diritto (193)

Pagine: 200
Formato: cm.16x23
Anno: 20241
ISBN: 9788846770141

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

The Jurisprudence of John Gardner and the Fundamentals of Law

J.A. Rabanos, Foreword, p. 9

B. Bix, John Gardner on the Scope of Legal Positivism, p. 17

A.D. Calzetta, (LP*) Revisited. On John Gardner’s Reductionism of Legal Positivism, p. 27

M. Klatt, 5 1/2 Myths of Legal Non-Positivism, p. 53

S. Figueroa Rubio, ‘No Making Responsible, We Might Say, Without Holding Responsible’. John Gardner on the Concepts of Responsibility, p. 79

M.C. Redondo, The Legacy of John Gardner. Legal Justification and the Metaphor of “The Balance of Reasons”, p. 93

B. Spaić, Jurisprudence as a Side-Quest? A Critical Appraisal of John Gardner’s Account of the Reasons to Study Jurisprudence, p. 103

Saggi (Essays)

R. Guastini, Piccola mappa del linguaggio giuridico (per non giuristi) (A Small Map of Legal Language, for Laymen), p. 129

P. Chiassoni, Una teorìa de las antinomias constitucionales para uso de operadores jur.dicos garantistas (A Theory of Constitutional Antinomies for the Use of Guarentist Legal Professionals), p. 143

M.Q. Silvi, Filosofia analitica e diritto amministrativo. Un terreno da esplorare (Analytic Philosophy and Administrative Law. A Territory to Be Explored), p. 173