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Tyrants at Work 

Philosophy and Politics in Alexandre Kojève

A cura di: Marco Filoni , Massimo Palma

Collana: philosophica (305)

Pagine: 168
Formato: cm.14x22
Anno: 2024
ISBN: 9788846768902

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

This volume wants to restore the depth and contradictions – both theoretical and biographical, political and speculative – of Alexandre Kojève. An author who wrote a lot, but published very little – leaving thousands of pages destined for oblivion or research. And research, after so much Kojèvian mythology, has recently opened up. Many have begun to delve into archives, translate unpublished works, and seek new sources. The contributions in this book start from this need: to study the entire corpus of Kojève, combining hermeneutical and philological approaches, reconstructing the biographical path with an investigation of intellectual alliances and hostilities.

Marco Filoni is professor of Political philosophy at Link University of Rome. Among his books, translated in several languages, Kojève’s intellectual biography L’azione politica del filosofo (Bollati Boringhieri 2021, forthcoming Northwestern University Press) and Kojève mon ami (Aragno 2013).

Massimo Palma is professor of Political philosophy in Naples. Among his books: Foto di gruppo con servo e signore. Mitologie hegeliane in Koyré, Strauss, Kojève, Bataille, Weil, Queneau (Castelvecchi 2017) and Politica e diritto in Kojève. Esilio sulla via maestra (Editoriale scientifica 2012).